Recently I have had a few friends ask me for tips for their weddings which happen to be destination. (lucky ducks). I have tried to answer questions and not be too complicating but I find that I want to just blurt out all of the DOs and DONTs they they might miss being away from home. So, I thought maybe it would be helpful to list a few tips to pass along to those ultra lucky woman who get to have their wedding in a special destination, but might not have the luxury of having a familiar artist to work with.
Photo credit goes to the lovely Casey Blair Photography
First and one of the most important: What is the weather expected to be like and how will this effect your hair and your makeup?
Knowing what the weather is predicted to be will help you decide which hair style is going to be best for you that day. Of course there are things the hair gurus are able to do to help combat the unforeseen things but lets just be real. RAIN, HUMIDITY, and WIND are like ninjas that come out of no where and are set to ruin your life. Sometimes we just cant help those elements and what they could do. But if you have a good game plan down for if they do come around you’ll be better off and so will be your nerves.
Knowing the weather will also help you to be able to prep your makeup as well. I feel like its 2016 and I shouldn’t have to say this but I know a few NO NAMES that don’t use this and I just want to say PRIMER ladies PRIMER!
Please forgive me, but I cannot stress how important primer is! Just the other day I was rushing out the door and I threw on some liquid waterproof liner and I knew I was going to regret not priming first. Sure enough not even 2 hours later and I had the black ring of death on my upper lid. (insert mad face)
So, remember primer will save your face on a humid day.
Along with primer a nice pack of oil papers would be a good thing to pick up. If it is a humid location your foundation might start to become overwhelmed. Especially if your an oily person like I am. Just dab the pad around your nose and forehead. It will make a big difference and also helps you feel refreshed.
Second, find a nice pair of lashes. I find that even if you don’t have a lot of makeup on just a nice pair of lashes can make all the difference. I would imagine that trying to find a makeup artist that you can trust and relay on in another location away from home might be challenging. So in the event that you have to do your own makeup (which is totally fine) I suggest you find a good lash. Even if you want to go with a natural look trust me. THE LASH is crucial!! Huda Beauty has some stellar lashes that last a great while and are such nice quality. They will help to accentuate your eyes and give you the added glam you need to have on your special day.
Tip three, find a lip color that you can wear all day. Even if you do find a makeup artist to apply your wedding day makeup you should still have a lip color of your own that you can reapply your self later on in the evening. However, if you are doing your own makeup I recommend that you find a lip color and a lip pencil. Filling in your lip with the pencil first and then with the lip stick will help the color keep longer then if you only line your lips.
Tip four, I recommend you use waterproof liner and mascara. Knowing that there are going to be tearful joy filled moments you should be prepared. Waterproof mascara and liner will help ensure that your makeup doesn’t ware off or smudge. Im sure you would much rather be enjoying those special moments with out worrying if you’re compromised.
Fifth and final tip: Smile and don’t stop smiling. With a smile you will be beautiful no matter what comes your way. This is the day you will always look back on, and even though the lead up to this day can be stressful and hectic just know it is one day and even the simplest smile can help the stress melt away.
Good luck ladies and if you need more tips you know where to find me.
Check out Casey Blair Photography on Facebook, she is a great photographer and all the pictures in this post are from her.
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